When deciding on the ideal way to heat a home, there are many factors to consider. Ultimately, it is essential to choose the right heating source to ensure optimal temperature, comfort, and cost efficiency. One of the best fireplace solutions Denver retailers offer is a gas fireplace, which offers several key benefits.
Low cost and high efficiency
A gas fireplace is an attractive option regarding cost and efficiency. They are comparatively inexpensive to install, with some costing less than a wood-burning version. Once installed, gas fireplaces require no fuel to be stored or handled. This allows for low operation costs in comparison to other heating sources. Gas fireplaces are up to 99% efficient, meaning that almost all energy is converted to heat.
Controlled heat output and clean burning
The flame emitted from a gas fireplace can be controlled and adjusted quickly to fine-tune the desired heat output. This feature allows for a safe and more consistent heat output when compared to wood-burning fireplaces. Plus, natural gas burning is clean and can be adjusted with zero emissions. Unlike burning wood, a gas fireplace will not fill the air with smoke or airborne particulate matter that can cause respiratory issues for those with allergies or asthma.
Low maintenance
Regarding maintenance, gas fireplaces have the edge over wood-burning versions. Aside from the required annual inspection, a gas fireplace will not require structural servicing or cleaning. The only item needing replacing is the gas log, typically after one to two years.